Hallelujah! I have just finished the book and I can't even describe how excited I am. Kudos for the beautiful simplicity, the stories that will open hearts and cause people to identify, and the solid scriptural foundation that you bring in at just the right time! This is a book that, as Bob Mumford used to say, "hits you in the mouth without splitting your lip!" I have read the books on your recommended list and many others that have been good, but none that a really wounded person could pick up, identify with, and take action! Bless you, bless you, bless you!
- Bettye
Things with my husband are so much different than this time last year. It didn't happen overnight....more like many months very slowly. After Nathan walked me through forgiving my husband, I realized the Lord wanted me to ask for forgiveness from him on many areas and then keep the forgiveness door open. At first it was reckless abandon....I just wanted to be obedient. God rewarded that obedience and saved my marriage and changed my heart. I don't think anyone realizes how dark it really was for us except for you and Nathan. Within the last six months I've fallen in love with my husband again and consider him my best friend. I didn't know if that would ever happen again, but I'm so thankful to the Lord for not giving up on me and thankful to the two of you for coming out here and walking us thru the steps. Now I realize how important quiet times really are and how Satan can get such a foothold without me even realizing it.
- A Happy Wife
Thank you for being a "safe place" for me and my family. Your heart to hear our hearts, your prayers, and wisdom have made a difference.
- A Pastor's Wife
I appreciate you taking so much time with me - and I want you to know it has made a difference. It's hard for me to put in words the change I feel. There is a peaceful quietness in my spirit that has just settled in on me. I didn't realize how much rejection was trying to mess with me on many fronts - until I have had a chance to be around others and to notice that awful feeling I fought so much of the time is gone. I find myself more spontaneous in my actions as it relates to a hug or smile for someone. I have always wanted to be more demonstrative and just couldn't seem to actually do what was in my heart. It's a new day for me.
- A Pastoral Staff Wife
Being able to come to this place of love and acceptance to find people who would listen and look deeply into my heart-without judging me-was life changing. I have more hope than I ever have.
- A Pastor
When I came here, I had given up any hope I ever had of things getting better or finding any true freedom. My husband and I almost didn't make it here because we were so worn out emotionally we were just going to turn back and go home. God pulled the steering wheel towards San Diego instead! I longed for a fresh start in life. I longed to breath freely again without the pain in my chest and heart. I longed for God to help me to believe His promises once again. He heard my cry and He not only opened my heart to believe Him again, but gave me a true clarity I had never had before. Hope returned, an understanding came, fresh air filled my lungs and hope returned to my heart in a BIG way.
- A Pastor's Wife
Words cannot begin to express the gratitude and delight that is in my heart. God showed up and gave me a 2nd salvation all the way down to my heart. Your hospitality, counsel and prayer helped usher in the Holy Spirit to do an amazing work. I can already see a cloak of despair, lies and judgment has been lifted through true forgiveness from my heart. I am so excited to see what God will do in my kids lives now as my new faith and freedom continue to grow strong with deep roots.
- Wife, Homeschool Mom
My wife and I are enjoying a new unhindered level of intimacy that we've never experienced. We are overwhelmed by God's goodness and are anticipating that Christ will now be working powerfully in our children's lives.
- Medical Doctor
This week has been life changing. It is like a new beginning for the next phase of my life and ministry.
- Texas Pastor